Digital Salmon
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Simplie Harmonic Motion

What is a lerp?

The easy, boring bit.

Linear Interpolate (Lerp) is a simple mathematical function that is used to find a value somewhere between two inputs. Specifically, we’re looking at the use of Lerp in relation to a transform position.

There are 3 parameters in a Lerp. The first two, a & b, could also be called Start & End, Low & High or Min & Max, depending on context.

The final parameter,t, is sometimes called Time, Alpha, Delta, Blend, or Mix.

Most math libraries support a & b being floating point numbers or vectors (and therefore also colours). In all cases, t is a floating point number.

Some functions clamp t into the range of 0 -> 1, others allow any value fort.

a+ (ba) *t;

It’s that simple. Whilst it’s good to understand the maths behind the function, bare in mind most engines have a math library which has the function built in.


The classic method

There are many uses for Lerp. The one which we will be focusing on in this article is

Each frame, interpolate a vector position from point a to point b by a fraction of delta time.

Specifically we’re looking at the following case:

lerp(currentPosition, targetPosition, deltaTime * strength)

By moving some fraction of the remaining distance between where we are currently, and where we would like to be, we move in progressively smaller steps towards our target, giving the appearance of smooth motion.

As we can see above, the movement eases in. Over the course of the movement, the velocity is largest on the first frame and gets small every frame. This is because the distance between a and b is largest on the first frame, and lerp moves a fraction of the distance between a and b per frame. We never actually reach b.

We don’t have any concept of persistent velocity here, so the moment the target moves we get a sharp change in velocity followed by a smooth ease in.

Harmonic Motion

A better option

Harmonic Motion has an awareness of not just the current state of a system, but also the velocity it's currently at. This allows the calculation to adapt to a changing target smoothly.

By controlling the Angular Frequency and Damping Ratio, you can adjust both the speed with which the system converges on it's target, and the over/under-shoot on the movement.

We tend to use an angular frequency of 15, and damping ratio of 0.85 for many of our effects.

3D Position Interpolation

How many dimensions?

The maths being spring motion in a single dimension can easily be transferred across to multidimensional equations by simply isolating each dimension as its own spring, calculating all the springs, then recombining into a multidimensional vector.

The code included on this page has methods for 1D, 2D, and 3D calculations. If anyone was feeling especially clever it wouldn’t be difficult to add methods for 4D/Colour interpolation.

The original code comes from Ryan Juckett. We have translated his code into C# and made it Unity friendly. There are two stages to its use - The first is to call CalcDampedSpringMotionParams in order to convert from AF / DR into a set of coefficients which can be used in the Calculate method. The second method calculates the spring, in our case we use ref parameters. Since the calculation depends on Time.deltaTime, it's best to call both bits every frame.

Internally, we actually wrap the harmonics into a set of objects, FloatHarmonic, Vector2Harmonic, Vector3Harmonic. We've experimented with uses Func's in the constructor for a sort of temporal ref parameter. We've also tried letting the object simply maintain it's own internal state, with an Update() method, and a readonly State property. At time of writing, the latter is our preferred approach.

using UnityEngine;

namespace DigitalSalmon {
	/// <summary>
	/// Harmonic motion allows spring dampened calculations in ND space.
	/// The Calculate methods can be used along with transform assignments to create very juicy motion.
	/// </summary>
	public static class HarmonicMotion {
		// Type Definitions:

		public struct DampenedSpringMotionParams {
			// newPos = posPosCoef*oldPos + posVelCoef*oldVel
			public float PosPosCoef, PosVelCoef;
			// newVel = velPosCoef*oldPos + velVelCoef*oldVel
			public float VelPosCoef, VelVelCoef;

		// Public Methods:

		public static void Calculate(ref Vector3 state, ref Vector3 velocity, Vector3 targetState, DampenedSpringMotionParams springMotionParams) {
			float velocityX = velocity.x;
			float stateX = state.x;
			float targetX = targetState.x;
			Calculate(ref stateX, ref velocityX, targetX, springMotionParams);

			float velocityY = velocity.y;
			float stateY = state.y;
			float targetY = targetState.y;
			Calculate(ref stateY, ref velocityY, targetY, springMotionParams);

			float velocityZ = velocity.z;
			float stateZ = state.z;
			float targetZ = targetState.z;
			Calculate(ref stateZ, ref velocityZ, targetZ, springMotionParams);

			velocity = new Vector3(velocityX, velocityY, velocityZ);
			state = new Vector3(stateX, stateY, stateZ);

		public static void Calculate(ref Vector2 state, ref Vector2 velocity, Vector2 targetState, DampenedSpringMotionParams springMotionParams) {
			float velocityX = velocity.x;
			float stateX = state.x;
			float targetX = targetState.x;
			Calculate(ref stateX, ref velocityX, targetX, springMotionParams);

			float velocityY = velocity.y;
			float stateY = state.y;
			float targetY = targetState.y;

			Calculate(ref stateY, ref velocityY, targetY, springMotionParams);

			velocity = new Vector2(velocityX, velocityY);
			state = new Vector2(stateX, stateY);

		/// <param name="state">position value to update</param>
		/// <param name="velocity">velocity value to update</param>
		/// <param name="targetState">velocity value to update</param>
		/// <param name="springMotionParams">motion parameters to use</param>
		public static void Calculate(ref float state, ref float velocity, float targetState, DampenedSpringMotionParams springMotionParams) {
			float oldPos = state - targetState; // update in equilibrium relative space
			float oldVel = velocity;

			state = oldPos * springMotionParams.PosPosCoef + oldVel * springMotionParams.PosVelCoef + targetState;
			velocity = oldPos * springMotionParams.VelPosCoef + oldVel * springMotionParams.VelVelCoef;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="angularFrequency"> angular frequency of motion</param>
		/// <param name="dampingRatio">damping ratio of motion</param>
		public static DampenedSpringMotionParams CalcDampedSpringMotionParams(float dampingRatio, float angularFrequency) {
			const float epsilon = 0.0001f;

			// force values into legal range
			if (dampingRatio < 0.0f) dampingRatio = 0.0f;
			if (angularFrequency < 0.0f) angularFrequency = 0.0f;

			// if there is no angular frequency, the spring will not move and we can
			// return identity
			if (angularFrequency < epsilon) {
				return new DampenedSpringMotionParams {PosPosCoef = 1.0f, PosVelCoef = 0.0f, VelPosCoef = 0.0f, VelVelCoef = 1.0f};

			if (dampingRatio > 1.0f + epsilon) {
				// over-damped
				float za = -angularFrequency * dampingRatio;
				float zb = angularFrequency * Mathf.Sqrt(dampingRatio * dampingRatio - 1.0f);
				float z1 = za - zb;
				float z2 = za + zb;

				float e1 = Mathf.Exp(z1 * Time.deltaTime);
				float e2 = Mathf.Exp(z2 * Time.deltaTime);

				float invTwoZb = 1.0f / (2.0f * zb); // = 1 / (z2 - z1)

				float e1_Over_TwoZb = e1 * invTwoZb;
				float e2_Over_TwoZb = e2 * invTwoZb;

				float z1e1_Over_TwoZb = z1 * e1_Over_TwoZb;
				float z2e2_Over_TwoZb = z2 * e2_Over_TwoZb;

				return new DampenedSpringMotionParams {
					PosPosCoef = e1_Over_TwoZb * z2 - z2e2_Over_TwoZb + e2,
					PosVelCoef = -e1_Over_TwoZb + e2_Over_TwoZb,
					VelPosCoef = (z1e1_Over_TwoZb - z2e2_Over_TwoZb + e2) * z2,
					VelVelCoef = -z1e1_Over_TwoZb + z2e2_Over_TwoZb
			if (dampingRatio < 1.0f - epsilon) {
				// under-damped
				float omegaZeta = angularFrequency * dampingRatio;
				float alpha = angularFrequency * Mathf.Sqrt(1.0f - dampingRatio * dampingRatio);

				float expTerm = Mathf.Exp(-omegaZeta * Time.deltaTime);
				float cosTerm = Mathf.Cos(alpha * Time.deltaTime);
				float sinTerm = Mathf.Sin(alpha * Time.deltaTime);

				float invAlpha = 1.0f / alpha;

				float expSin = expTerm * sinTerm;
				float expCos = expTerm * cosTerm;
				float expOmegaZetaSin_Over_Alpha = expTerm * omegaZeta * sinTerm * invAlpha;

				return new DampenedSpringMotionParams {
					PosPosCoef = expCos + expOmegaZetaSin_Over_Alpha,
					PosVelCoef = expSin * invAlpha,
					VelPosCoef = -expSin * alpha - omegaZeta * expOmegaZetaSin_Over_Alpha,
					VelVelCoef = expCos - expOmegaZetaSin_Over_Alpha
			else {
				// critically damped
				float expTerm = Mathf.Exp(-angularFrequency * Time.deltaTime);
				float timeExp = Time.deltaTime * expTerm;
				float timeExpFreq = timeExp * angularFrequency;

				return new DampenedSpringMotionParams {
					PosPosCoef = timeExpFreq + expTerm,
					PosVelCoef = timeExp,
					VelPosCoef = -angularFrequency * timeExpFreq,
					VelVelCoef = -timeExpFreq + expTerm